The early days of the Slow Food movement had a historic moment when, Carlo Petrini and his companions, traveled from Bra to Montalcino for the feast of the thrush cooked with Rosso di Montalcino. They did not like so much the cooking of the birds and, once back to Piedmont, they wrote, in an affectionately challenging way to their friends in Montalcino, a famous letter where they theorized “the right of people to taste”.In a few years the Slow Food Movement Foundation will be created. The non-profit association Slow Food today is stable in 150 countries and aims to preserve ecosystems and the environment, always giving great value to local traditions by educating the population. Essential for the association is the “Right of Pleasure” that is spread through exhibitions, laboratories of taste and numerous other initiatives. Emblematic is the “manifesto of Slow-food” written on November 3, 1987 and signed by famous personalities of the 900 such as Folco Portinari, Carlo Petrini, Stefano Bonilli, Valentino Parlato, Gerardo Chiaromonte, Dario Fo, Francesco Guccini, Gina Lagorio, Enrico Menduni, Antonio Porta, Ermete Realacci, Gianni Sassi, Sergio Staino.
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